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Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' and Information Resources

This guide supports further research into Beyoncé's literary, film, and history references in her visual album 'Lemonade.'

Getting Started with Beyoncé's 'Lemonade'

About this Guide

*Please note this guide is seldomly updated. The core resources were added in 2016 when Lemonade was released.

Beyoncé's visual album Lemonade, aired on HBO Saturday, April 23, 2016 for a "one-day event," and is now available for download on iTunes, Amazon; to stream on Tidal, and for purchase on CD. Lemonade is an hour and five minutes of music, poetry, and references to history, literature, and art. There were many artist collaborators and perceived influences included in Lemonade. This guide lists a few places to learn more about them and Beyoncé.

Image: From "Lemonade," by Beyoncé, via 

This guide was originally made by Jennifer A. Ferretti, Digital Initiatives Librarian at Decker Library, 2015-2021. Please direct questions to 

Twitter Chat

On June 8, 2016 Decker Library (@deckerlibrary) hosted a Twitter chat to discuss 'Lemonade,' #libeyrianship, and what is included on this guide.

See our archived discussion on our Storify.

Decker Library 'Lemonade' Twitter chat art
Background Imag: From "Lemonade," by Beyoncé, Parkwood Entertainment.





Final #LemonadeSyllabus will be out tomorrow and a complete syllabus of all resources will be available for download next week! #Lemonade

— Candice Marie Benbow (@CandiceBenbow)

Decker Library at the Maryland Institute College of Art | Location: 1401 W. Mount Royal Ave., Baltimore, MD 21217 | Mailing: 1300 W. Mount Royal Ave., Baltimore, MD 21217

Research Help: 410-225-2273 / | General Questions: 410-225-2272 /

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