Samurai with Afros: Political and Cultural Connotations of African American Depictions in Japanese- Style Animation
Journal Title: Film Matters
Author: Keevan Robertson
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Toward an Indigenous Feminine Animation Aesthetic
Journal Title: Studies in American Indian Literature
Author: Chanette Romero
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Animated Representations of Blackness
Journal Title: Journal of African American Studies
Author: C. Richard King, Mary K. Bloodsworth Lugo, Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo
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Black and White: Race in Soviet Animation
Journal Title: Chapter in Drawing the Iron Curtain
Author: Maya Balakirsky Katz
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Blackness, Animation, and the Politics of Black Fatherhood in "The Cleveland Show"
Journal Title: Journal of African American Studies
Author: Derrais Carter
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Hello Sha-kitty-peare?: Shakespeares Cutified in Japanese Anime Imagination
Journal Title: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
Author: Ryuta Minami
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