The A-Z Databases page on our website provides access to all the research databases MICA subscribes to. However, there are a number of specialized resources for finding articles related to art and design history.
Art and Design Resources
Art & Architecture Source
Citations, abstracts, and full-text coverage for over 780 publications on the subjects of art and art history, antiquities, archaeology, design, architecture, film, and other related subjects.
BHA: Bibliography of the History of Art (1975-2007)
Index of articles that date between 1975 and 2007 covering Western art, architecture, and decorative arts.
Full text archive of all JSTOR content including scholarly humanities, arts, and social sciences journals. Note: does NOT include the most current 3-5 years.
Fashion Resources
BERG Fashion Library
A resource for fashion students and researchers, including more than 13,000 color images, over 100 academic eBooks, museum directory, an exhibition archive, reference works, and teaching resources.