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Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' and Information Resources

This guide supports further research into Beyoncé's literary, film, and history references in her visual album 'Lemonade.'

Black Womanhood and Feminism

Beyonce in the visual album Lemonade
Image: From "Lemonade," by Beyoncé, via

Articles about Black Womanhood and Feminism:

From Melissa Harris-Perry's article:

"The call-and-response tradition is so deeply embedded in black cultural practice, so to help understand the meaning of this moment I sent out a call of my own to writers and thinkers who center black women and girls in their work. They responded. I like to think of this as MHP's lemonade stand, getting in-formation about Bey's latest contribution."

Malcolm X Speech


Malcolm X speech Beyoncé samples in the Anger chapter of Lemonade

Beyoncé samples part of this speech on May 5, 1962 in Los Angeles that begins with "The most disrespected person in America is the black woman." This section begins at 24:35.


Resources at the Library

Resources on Black Womanhood and Feminism Available Through the Library:




Final #LemonadeSyllabus will be out tomorrow and a complete syllabus of all resources will be available for download next week! #Lemonade

— Candice Marie Benbow (@CandiceBenbow)

Decker Library at the Maryland Institute College of Art | Location: 1401 W. Mount Royal Ave., Baltimore, MD 21217 | Mailing: 1300 W. Mount Royal Ave., Baltimore, MD 21217

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