Decker Library has added EBSCOhost E-Books collection to our catalog. This is in addition to 100,000+ titles that are now available to our patrons. The subjects covered by this collection are multi-disciplinary and scholarly publications.
Link to "how-to-guide": Guide
Patrons can access the E-Book collection in a few ways:
- Patrons can go to our Research Database web page and then scroll to the listing of EBOOK ACADEMIC COLLECTION
- Patrons can go to the Decker Library Catalog and under the Everything drop down menu to select E-Books search. If a patron is off-campus, one will have to sign in with MICA username and password to access e-books. If a patron clicks on GUEST, one will not have access to the e-books
- The E-Book record will have an access statement like such: Click Here for Full Text EBSCOhost E-Book