General description:
This session will address image rights, fair use, and transformative works. The session leader will demonstrate how to find images in databases and websites and discuss Creative Commons licenses, public domain materials, and orphan works as appropriate and tailored to each class.
General Goals:
Suggested Workshop Schedule (120 minutes):
1. Welcome - 5 minutes
2. Ask them what they think the purpose of copyright is. Talk about the intent of copyright - 5 minutes
3. Ask them if they know of examples in which copyright doesn't apply. Talk about where copyright doesn't apply - 5 minutes
4. Group activity: Think/Pair/Share several instances of copyright infringement - 60 minutes
5. Discussion of Community Norms. What would they like to see? - 5 minutes
6. Creative Commons - 5 minutes
7. How to find useable content, copyright free and creative commons - 30 minutes
8. Recap and Evaluations - 5 minutes
Active Learning Module: Fair Use in the Arts
Learning Outcome:
By the end of this activity, students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the four factors of fair use as well as some of the complexities of copyright.
About this activity:
It is important to use the Think/Pair/Share model with each example since it allows those who are shy/not comfortable with speaking to participate.
Presentation Notes/Talking Points
Creative Commons Module
(to be created)
Finding Images Module
(To be created)
Relevant Frame(s)
Information Has Value: Information possesses several dimensions of value, including as a commodity, as a means of education, as a means to influence, and as a means of negotiating and understanding the world. Legal and socioeconomic interests influence information production and dissemination.